Click here to go to this page at new link I've been doing a lot of research into the Internet and e-commerce, concentrating mostly on marketing. My goal is to work from home, Everyone's dream, right? My father and I have formed a partnership and are currently promoting an online store to feature his inventions. That's the Save-A-Step button that you see up at the top of the pages. Here, listed in no particular order, are some of the programs that I'm either affiliated with or have found to be really useful to me What I want to do is let you check out some of the things that I've found to be interesting, informative and worth my efforts. What you choose to do (explore, ignore or participate - is up to you). . Since I am one that prefers "no out of pocket to start" type projects, you'll find most of the stuff that I'm working with to be that type of a program. That's not to say that the other programs are no good, it's just my own preference. I'm also not a 'power seller' which, loosely translated means that what I've listed here I'm not trying to sell. My wish is simply to share knowledge. Cognigen Another, Cognigen, offers several different programs as well as items for sale. I'm not going to go into sales speeches (gosh, how I hate them, don't you?) if you're curious you'll want to look and if you're not you'd rather I keep quiet anyway, right? :) I was introduced to this program by one of the individuals that I met online that felt that the program would be of benefit to me. I'll just leave it at that and let you judge for yourself. If you already have a web site and are having trouble getting traffic, or just want to increase it. Here is something that you might want to check out. Just another way of promoting your web site via a Viral Marketing concept (no, it's not a virus, it's just a descriptive term used for promotional purposes). As with my other computer related interests I've studied Web design on my own. The design work on this site is my own. I consider myself a work in progress so any suggestions or tips that you care to give I would consider very helpful (even if it's just to point out a typo or an error in grammar, for I, like everyone else, am not perfect - but I do try! *big grin*). I've designed a site for a photographer friend of mine. If you'd like to check it out feel free to swing by www.mrmarvinphoto.com. He's a local (Twin Cities, Minnesota) photographer. You can contact him through his web site to set up an appointment (sorry, had to plug him!). I'm now working on another photographers site, he's based in Omaha, Nebraska. We have several major changes to make to his existing site and are really excited about the new look. As soon as the new format is in place and I've been able to add his new series of photos I'll be posting his link as well for those of you that are in his area and looking for an excellent photographer. The other sites that I've done are personal pages and the owners prefer their sites remain private.... I'm still building, troubleshooting and repairing computers for folks as well as tutoring. I've even been doing some repairs online, helping folks pin point their problems and suggesting repairs and/or replacements to solve their issues. You can check out my certification page for my background if you're curious. A project near and dear to my heart. I've set up a web site, ThyroPhoenix with a partner as a gateway to thyroid information and to our support groups. If you, or someone that you know, is seeking information on thyroid disorders and care - it's a great place to start your search.
Remember, Topper's Place is moving, feel free to add the new link to your Favorites: www.toppers-place.comEmail:
Topper (Linda)